#Mysql download 3.free password
You need to set a password that you can always use when you want to open MySQL. Step 17: Type MySQL Root Password and Retype the password and click on Next Button. Step 16: Select Use Strong Password Encryption for the authentication option and click on the Next button. Step 15: Click Next in the Type and Networking window, please don’t make any changes there, leave as it is.

Step 14: Select Standalone MySQL Server/ Classic MySQL Replication and click on Next Button in Group Replication window. Step 13: Again Click Next in the Product Configuration window.
#Mysql download 3.free install
Step 12: It will take some time to execute and install above all and just check the status for all products when it shows complete then click on the Next button. Step 11: Then Click on the Execute button. Step 10: After this, it shows one warning message, so need to click on Yes and proceed. Step 9: Then again, click on Next in the Check Requirements window. Step 8: Select the Developer Default option and click on the Next Button as shown. Step 7: Now click on the checkbox near “I accept the license terms” indicated in the red square and click on the next button. It will start installing, and then you will get a window. Step 6: When the download is finished then click on the downloaded file. The third option allows you to download without a login so you need to click on “No thanks, Just Start my download,” which is marked in red in the below screenshot. First Login if you already have account with Oracle, then use this otherwise, click on the Sign up button and fill necessary details of yours. Step 5: When you click on the download button, it redirects you to another page where it has three options. 1 st download option, which has 16.4 MB size, is a web-based installer that is a launcher file to install MySQL, so avoid 1 st option. Step 4: After click on “Go to Download Page,” it redirects you to another page where you need to click 2 nd option, Windows (X86, 32-bit), MSI Installer, which has 324.3 MB of size and circled in red below.

Please don’t download from the other Downloads section, which is available exactly below the “Go to Download Page” option. Step 3: Just scroll down and click on “Go to Download Page,” which is circled in red color below. By default, Microsoft Windows is selected, and you can choose other OS as well by click on the dropdown menu shown below. Step 2: It redirects you to another page just scroll down and find the Generally Available(GA) Releases section and click the dropdown and select the operating system. When you landed on this page, just find MySQL Community Edition(GPL) and click on the download button. Step 1: First, you need to visit this site: to download and install MySQL in your local system.

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